Active Skin Repair

Many of us don’t think twice when we get a small cut or insect bite. Life goes on.

But when it gets infected or starts to itch and burn.

That’s when our minor irritation becomes a big problem. 

First-aid sprays and ointments are great for minor skin irritations, cuts, and insect bites. They provide relief, protect us from infection, and, most importantly, give us peace of mind.

Unfortunately, most only successfully treat a handful of skin conditions. Burns and sunburns may require a different product.

And with ingredients like petroleum, harsh chemicals, and antibiotics, there’s always the risk of allergies or adverse side effects like inflammation and rashes.

So with so many choices, we decided to test the top first aid treatments available. We have compiled a list of the top five and provided all the details about our #1 choice.

The #1 Choice: Active Skin Repair


  • Dermatologist & pediatrician recommended
  • Safe near eyes, mouth, and sensitive areas
  • Great for sensitive skin
  • Sprays on
  • Supports healing
  • Prevents infection
  • Works on hundreds of skin issues, cuts, burns, and abrasions
  • No harsh chemicals
  • Hypoallergenic and oil-free
  • No stinging or side effects


  • Discounts available for a limited time

#2 Polysporin


  • Prevents infections
  • Dermatologist recommended
  • Inexpensive 


  • Doesn’t help burns or irritations
  • May cause side effects
  • Not recommended for use on the face

#3 Calmoseptine


  • Good for rashes
  • Relieves irritations
  • Creates a barrier to protect skin


  • Doesn’t disinfect
  • Thick and gritty
  • Can cause allergic reactions

#4 First Honey® Sterile Manuka Honey Ointment


  • Chemical and drug-free
  • Minimizes scarring
  • Prevents infections


  • Sticky
  • No returns or refunds

#5 Foille Medicated First-Aid Ointment


  • Good for sunburns
  • Relieves Pain


  • Contains alcohol
  • Doesn’t prevent infections
  • Stings when applied to cuts/abrasions

Why Active Skin Repair is our #1 Pick for First Aid Skin Care

We were skeptical when we heard that just one first aid spray could treat hundreds of skin conditions. And then we heard it doesn’t have any adverse side effects or allergic reactions. Well, that sounded too good to be true. 

So we put it to the test. 

Active Skin Repair didn’t just pass our tests; this advanced first-aid spray exceeded every one of our expectations. Just a few quick sprays of Active Skin Repair can treat almost any minor wound or skin irritation, including burns, sunburns, and insect bites. Plus, the spray is safe enough to use on even the most sensitive skin, including around the eyes.

So how does Active Skin Repair do it? This revolutionary first aid spray achieves these incredible results with just one non-toxic, safe, and natural ingredient – hypochlorous acid or HOCl. Hypochlorous acid is a naturally occurring molecule produced by our bodies to support healing and prevent infection.

HOCI has been well-studied and clinically tested for years. Successfully used by hospitals for decades, it was only recently that scientists could stabilize the molecule for consumer home use.  

When the founder of Active Skin Relief, Justin Gardner, heard about HOCI, he was intrigued. Justin was no stranger to skin injuries as an avid outdoorsman and regenerative wound industry professional. However, he was tired of the large number of sprays, creams, and ointments needed to treat various skin conditions. 

So he decided to test HOCI on himself. 

Not only did it work, but it also worked fast – and for a variety of skin problems. 

Realizing the potential of this fantastic solution, he assembled a team of medical professionals, athletes, and parents to create a first-aid spray that was available for everybody.

We were impressed that Active Skin Repair does the same job as six other first-aid creams or ointments. And without the worry of deciding which one to use. Regardless of the problem – cuts, scrapes, rashes, burns, insect bites, and more – relief is just a couple of sprays away.

As a parent, nothing is worse than when your child is in pain. And when that crying turns to screams when the first aid spray you just applied starts to sting and burn, we feel utterly hopeless.

Active Skin Relief sprays on cool, like a gentle mist, and goes to work fast, providing relief and protection. Since the only active ingredient in Active Skin Repair is already naturally produced by our bodies, you never have to worry about stinging or burning.

With no petroleum, harsh chemicals, antibiotics, parabens, or fragrances, it’s no wonder there has never been a reported allergic reaction or adverse side effect. Instead, active Skin Relief gives your skin just what it needs for quick relief and promotes rapid healing as nature intended.

Active Skin Repair has been well-received by the medical community, winning multiple awards for its revolutionary first-aid spray. In addition, it has been approved by the National Eczema Association and is recommended by doctors, dermatologists, and pediatricians worldwide.

And unlike other brands that use only a tiny percentage of HOCI, it is the main ingredient in Active Skin Repair. In addition, Active Skin Repair goes through the same rigorous testing and manufacturing process as the hospital formulas.

Each Active Skin Repair order comes with a 90-day, no-hassle guarantee. So if you don’t believe that Active Skin Repair provides you with the best first aid skin care, return it for a full refund. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)?

Hypochlorous Acid, or HOCI, is a natural molecule our immune system produces to promote healing. This molecule protects the body from infections and kills bacteria, promoting quick healing of a host of skin conditions and minor wounds.

Why haven’t I heard about HOCI?

Scientists have been trying to replicate this molecule for decades. Still, only recently did they discover a way to stabilize it and balance the PH so it could be used in first aid products. 

Is Active Skin Repair safe to use on the face?

Yes. Due to its revolutionary formula, you can use Active Skin Repair safely and continuously without the risk of stinging or damage associated with other toxic medical products. It’s safe to use on the entire body – around the eyes, ears, mouth, or other sensitive areas.

Does Active Skin Repair have any side effects?

No. Active Skin Repair does not harm healthy cells or cause an adverse reaction. It’s completely hypoallergenic. Active Skin Repair uses only natural ingredients (HOCl, salt, and water), unlike alternatives that use antibiotics and other ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.

Is it safe for kids and babies?

Yes. It is safe for all ages, but adults should apply the spray.

Is it safe to use while pregnant?

Yes, it’s completely safe. 

How much do I need to use?

Use multiple times daily for minor wounds, burns, rashes, or other skin irritations. As your skin heals and clears up, you can reduce how much you use. However, you can continue to use it daily as preventative care and to promote healthy skin. There’s no evidence nor reports that using too much ASR can be dangerous.

Is it safe for pets?

Though not intended for pets, it is safe for dogs.

Is there science behind this?

There have been over 2000 medical studies on Active Skin Repair’s revolutionary active ingredient, HOCI. In addition, it is FDA-cleared and recommended by doctors, dermatologists, and pediatricians worldwide.

Does Active Skin Repair offer a money-back guarantee?

Yes. Active Skin Repair offers a no-hassle, 90-day money-back guarantee. 

So if you’re ready to ditch first aid creams and ointments that only treat some of the problems…

Ready to turbo-charge your body’s natural healing process…

Then you owe yourself to discover why Active Skin Relief is our number one choice.